Does Anyone Else Want To Avoid Rodents?

December 26, 2019

Reviewed by Daniel Baldwin, BCE, CCFS, CP-FS

When rodents bump, thump and scrape around inside your walls at night, you’re going to be inspired to do something about these irritating pests. You’re not going to put up with that, but what would you do if you didn’t hear any noises? What would you do if you found droppings under your sink or sprinkled around your attic space? Would you deal with it immediately, or would you make a mental note to deal with the problem later?

4 important facts about rodents

A surprising number of people put off rodent control. It isn’t that they want to live with mice and rats in their home; it’s just that there are so many other jobs on their to-do list. Do you feel that way? Is life busy? We understand; maintaining a home can be a lot of work. Before you decide to postpone your rodent control, however, here are four important facts about rodents that you should know:

1. one nibble too many

Let’s start with the worst possible outcome of a rodent infestation. When mice and rats get into your home, they’re going to chew on lots of things; one thing that they commonly chew on can lead to a serious threat to your property and your safety. Mice and rats are prone to chew on wires. If they cut a live wire in your home, it can spark a fire. They estimate that rodents are responsible for 20% of all fires with unknown causes. Is that a risk worth taking?

2. ticks & other ectoparasites

Next on our list are ectoparasites because the diseases spread by ticks can have lifelong health implications. When a little mouse gets into your house, it can have as many as a hundred seed ticks on its body. Seed ticks are the larvae of ticks. They are minuscule, six-legged ticks that mature, grow another pair of legs, and drop off in your home in search of a larger host. They prefer to attach themselves to a dog or cat, but some ticks species will readily attach to humans. These bugs can transmit Lyme disease, tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, red meat allergy (alpha-gal syndrome), and other serious diseases. Rodents can bring ticks, fleas, lice, mites, and other harmful organisms into your home.

3. bacteria

Mice and rats climb into dumpsters, trash cans, trash heaps, sewers, and many other dirty places. When they do, they expose themselves to harmful bacteria, parasitic worms, and disease-causing organisms, making the fur of mice and rats a dangerous threat in your home. As a tiny little mouse scrambles over some plates in your cabinet, it can leave invisible organisms on the surface, which can lead to a wide range of illnesses. While these illnesses are generally less of a threat than tick-borne diseases, they can cause you quite a bit of misery.

4. holes, holes, holes

Rodents chew holes to get into your home. They chew holes to go from wall voids into pantries and kitchens. They chew holes in clothing, furniture, and other household belongings. The holes they chew to get into your home can allow rainwater, moisture, and pests into your house, which can cause mold, wood rot, and additional pest infestations. The holes they chew through baseboards, sheetrock, and other building materials, give a wide range of pests a direct route to your stored foods. And holes aren’t the only way they can damage your belongings. Mice and rats leave their urine and feces in the places they hide. It is a sad sight to find that rodents used a piece of furniture in your attic for harborage.

If you think you may have a rodent infestation (or long before you do), reach out to Hawx Pest Control. We provide effective rodent monitoring and control. We can help you protect your health and property from these, not-so-tiny, threats. Contact us today to schedule a rodent inspection for your home!

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