What Every Homeowner Ought To Know About Rodents

November 25, 2019

Reviewed by Daniel Baldwin, BCE, CCFS, CP-FS

There are basically four types of rodents; two of them are types of rats and two are types of mice. The more you know about these rodents, the more you’ll be able to protect your property and your health.

The four most common rodents to invade properties are deer mice, house mice, Norway rats, and roof rats.

House Mouse

This is the most common structure-infesting rodent in the world. It is also called the common house mouse and the field mouse. When these rodents get in, they stay in. Your home is the perfect environment for them. Most of the time, common house mice are gray on the top and cream-colored on the underside.

Deer Mouse

These mice have the coloration of a deer. That is how they got their name. They are tan on the top and white on the underside. What you need to know most about these mice is that they prefer to infest barns, sheds, and outbuildings, and they present a high risk for Hantavirus.

Norway Rat

These are large, burrowing rodents. While they can infest your home, they are more likely to take up residence underneath a pile of objects in your backyard. Norway rats are most often brown in coloration.

Roof Rat

These are structure-infesting pests. As you can probably guess, attics and other high locations are their preferred areas to nest. Roof rats are most often black or dark gray in coloration.

what problems do rodents cause?

  • Rodents chew their way in. The holes they create can allow other pests into your home. Those holes can also allow rainwater to get in and cause wood rot and mold issues.
  • Rodents chew on items inside your home. If you have stored furniture or valuables boxed in your attic, they will not be safe with rodents crawling around.
  • Rodents chew through baseboards, sheetrock, and other building materials to gain access to areas where there is food to be found.
  • Rodents chew into food packages.
  • When rodents get in, they bring ticks, fleas, mites and other parasites in with them. This can expose you to the diseases these parasites may be carrying.
  • Rodents pick up harmful bacteria and parasitic worms in trash cans, dumpsters, sewers and other dirty places. As they move around your home, they leave these invisible organisms. This causes contamination and illness.
  • Rodents urinate as they explore. This can soak insulation, rugs, furniture, and more.
  • Rodents sometimes make noises in walls. While this can be irritating, you may want to thank those rodents for letting you know they’re in your home so you can take steps to get rid of them.

how do i prevent rodents from getting in?

  • Remove unnecessary objects from your yard. Rodents use objects as hiding places and harborage.
  • Keep the grass and vegetation around your home trimmed. This prevents rodents from finding cover while they chew on your exterior.
  • Address conditions that allow puddles to form. A puddle is a watering hole for a rodent.
  • Remove potential food sources. Keep in mind that rodents don’t always eat what we eat. They’ll eat rotting food in your trash. They’ll eat birdseed from the ground. They’ll also eat bugs.
  • When you protect food sources and reduce bugs, you reduce rodent activity around your home.
  • Seal potential entry points. While rodents can chew their way into your home, they are more likely to get in through an available entry point. Examine your exterior and seal any gaps or holes you find.

how do i get rid of rodents in my home?

If you have a rodent infestation, the best solution is to contact a licensed pest management professional. Rodents can be very difficult to get rid of, but that isn’t why we suggest hiring a professional. A professional can let you know for certain that all the rodents in your home have been removed. When DIY rodent control fails, you’re not likely to know it. Most rodents make hardly any noise in your home. This could allow them to impact your health, and to damage your property, indefinitely.

If you need assistance with rodent control, we can help. Reach out to Hawx Pest Control today to schedule rodent control services. We can help you get control of those rodents.

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