Mosquitoes flying around

Can People Get Fleas? How to Prevent These Blood-Sucking Pests from Taking Over

January 19, 2024

By Rachel Maldonado

Can People Get Fleas? How to Prevent These Blood-Sucking Pests from Taking Over

As cute and cuddly as our furry friends may be, they sometimes come with an unwelcome hitchhiker – fleas.ย 

And while most of us are aware that pets can get fleas, what about humans? Can people get fleas?

It’s a terrifying thought, but the truth is that fleas won’t discriminate when it comes to their next meal – and that could very well mean you.ย 

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at this problem – and provide you with foolproof ways to prevent these blood-sucking pests from taking over your home.

Let’s get started.

What Are Fleas?

Fleas are small, wingless insects that belong to the order Siphonaptera. They are ectoparasites, which means they feed on the blood of their host, often resulting in significant discomfort and itching. Fleas are commonly found on household pets such as dogs, cats, and rodents.ย 

However, they may also infest other animalsโ€ฆ including humans.ย 

The flea’s body is designed for jumping and maneuvering. They have long, powerful back legs that can launch them up to 150 times their body length, allowing them to easily move around their host’s fur.ย 

Their side-to-side flattened bodies help them to crawl between hair shafts, while backward-facing spines prevent them from being dislodged. Fleas have piercing mouthparts that they use to latch onto their host and feed on their blood.ย 

Fleas can quickly become a nuisance and can cause serious health problems for both pets and humans alike. They can transmit a variety of diseases, including bubonic plague and typhus. In addition, flea saliva can cause an allergic reaction, leading to severe itching and discomfort.ย 

Even getting rid of fleas can be challenging as they can lay up to 50 eggs a day and their lifecycle from egg to adult can take as little as two weeks.

Can Humans Have Fleas?

If you’re wondering, “can people get fleas in addition to pets?” then you might not like what we’re about to say. Sadly, yes – humans can get fleas.ย 

Humans can get fleas in a number of ways. If you’re outside in a wooded area or doing yard work, you may come into contact with fleas that are hiding in the grass, shrubs, or other vegetation. And if you have pets that are infested with fleas, the fleas can also jump onto you in search of a blood meal.

Fleas are attracted to warm-blooded hosts, which means they can and will feed on any animal or person that they come into contact with, including humans. Once they’re on your body, they will bite you and feed on your blood. The bites can be incredibly itchy and uncomfortable, appearing as small red bumps on your skin.

The risk of contracting diseases from fleas is also a serious concern. As indicated earlier, fleas are known to carry diseases like tularemia, which can cause a range of symptoms including fever, diarrhea, ulcers, and fatigue. In rare cases, fleas can also transmit serious illnesses like the bubonic plague.

To compound the challenge even further is the fact that fleas can be challenging to see, which means that it can be difficult to confirm a flea infestation. They may appear as tiny dark spots on light surfaces or as specks in pet fur.ย 

How to Prevent Fleas from Infesting Your Home

To prevent fleas from infesting your home, you’ve got to take a proactive approach.ย 

One of the most effective ways to prevent flea infestations is by inspecting your pets after they’ve spent time outdoors. Regularly inspecting your pets for fleas and ticks can help you catch any problems early and prevent more severe infestations.ย 

Using a flea and tick preventative on your pet is also a smart choice – remember, many of the same problems with fleas living on us are also present on pets, so be vigilant to protect Fido, too.

Other tips for preventing flea infestations include vacuuming your home regularly, washing your pet’s bedding, and keeping your lawn trimmed and neat. Remember that fleas and their larvae thrive in cluttered areas, so it is important to keep your home and yard as clean and tidy as possible.

Tips for Getting Rid of Fleas

One of the most effective ways to get rid of fleas is by washing all clothing and bedding on high heat. This will not only kill any adult fleas, but also any eggs that may be present. Do this regularly until the infestation is completely gone.

Vacuuming your home regularly is also crucial for removing (and also preventing) fleas. The vacuum can capture both adult fleas and eggs, which might be found in your carpets, furniture, and bedding. Using baking soda or diatomaceous earth – in conjunction with vacuuming – can help remove fleas more efficiently, too. These products work by dehydrating the fleas from their exoskeleton and leave them unable to function.

Ultimately, professional treatment is the most effective way to get rid of a flea infestation. Pest control professionals will have access to specialized products and equipment that can eliminate the infestation quickly and thoroughly. They can also advise you on how to prevent future infestations and keep your home flea-free for years to come.ย 

The Takeaway

So can humans get fleas? The unfortunate answer is yes – but the good news is that they’re fairly easy to eliminate, especially if you have professional pest control like Hawx by your side.ย 

At Hawx, our team of experts is fully equipped and experienced in eradicating fleas from your home and protecting it from future invasions.ย 

Join our satisfied family of customers and contact Hawx today to ensure your home is flea-freeโ€ฆfor good.

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