
Mosquitoes flying around

Buzz Off! Dealing with Persistent Bee Infestations in Chicago

October 09, 2023

By Rachel Maldonado

Buzz Off! Dealing with Persistent Bee Infestations in Chicago

Ah, bees. They’re an important part of the ecosystem, but when you’re dealing with an infestation of bees around your home, it can be stressful. It’s not only annoying, but can also be hazardous. 

A single bee sting can lead to allergic reactions and sometimes even death. So, it’s important to take bee infestations seriously and opt for a prompt eradication service before the situation gets worse. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss the kinds of Chicago bees you may encounter in the Windy City and the steps you can take to eliminate a persistent infestation.

Understanding the Challenges of Bee Infestations in Chicago

The buzzing sound of bees is music to some people’s ears, but to others, it’s scary. And for homeowners, a bee infestation can lead to major headaches. In Chicago, bee infestations are a common problem, and it’s important to know what challenges you may face if you encounter a hive.

For one, bee stings. They may not seem like a big deal, but they can be incredibly dangerous, especially for those who have severe allergies. Even for those without allergies, repeated bee stings can lead to serious health problems. If you’re dealing with a bee infestation, it’s important to take precautions to avoid getting stung.

Besides the danger to humans, bees can also cause damage to your property. Bees can build hives inside your walls, roofs, or even in your attic. Over time, the hive can grow and cause structural damage to your home. In addition to structural damage, bees can also cause damage to outdoor equipment such as air conditioning units.

Despite the challenges of bee infestations, it’s important to remember that bees play an essential role in our ecosystem. Without bees, many plants and flowers would not be able to reproduce, which would have a devastating impact on our food supply and environment. 

That’s why it’s important not to try to tackle a bee infestation on your own. Working with a pest control professional is best if you want to remove the bees without compromising your own safety – or the safety of beneficial bee species.

The Most Common Types of Bees Found in Chicago

There are several types of Chicago bees to be aware of – and although the different bee species may look exactly alike to you, the reality is that each species is surprisingly complex and has different methods of removal and prevention.

Understanding these differences is key if you want to keep yourself safe – and valuable bees protected, too. 

Honey Bee

The first type of bee you are likely to encounter in the Chicago area is the honey bee. They are easily recognizable with their brown and yellow striped bodies, and are often seen buzzing around flowers in search of nectar. 

Honey bees are considered an important pollinator for crops and trees, and their honey is used in many culinary and medicinal products. 


The next type of bee is the bumblebee, which is much larger than its honey bee cousin. Bumblebees have a fuzzy appearance and are often black and yellow in color. They are also important pollinators, but unlike honey bees, their colonies are much smaller and can be found underground or inside abandoned rodent burrows. 

While bumblebees are generally not aggressive, they can sting if provoked, so it is best to leave them alone and avoid disturbing their nests.

Carpenter Bee

Another type of bee to be aware of is the carpenter bee. As their name suggests, carpenter bees like to drill into wood in order to create their nests. They have a shiny, black abdomen and can often be heard buzzing loudly around wooden structures. 

While the holes they create can weaken the wood and lead to costly repairs, carpenter bees are not aggressive and are unlikely to sting unless provoked. Treating the affected wood with insecticides or sealing the holes with a wood putty can help prevent them from returning.

Yellow Jacket

Finally, there is the pesky yellow jacket. Although yellow jackets are often referred to as bees, they are actually a type of wasp. They have a sleek, yellow and black body and are known for being aggressive. 

Yellow jackets can build their nests underground, inside walls, or in trees, and are attracted to sugary substances such as fruit, soda, or even garbage. If you notice yellow jackets around your property, it is best to call a professional pest control company to handle the removal process – they can have quite a nasty sting.

Safely Removing Bee Colonies From Your Home or Business

Now that you’re aware of the many types of Chicago bees, here are some tips for safe bee removal in Chicago. 

First, don’t try to do it yourself – call an exterminator. While attempting to remove bees yourself may seem like a cost-effective solution, it’s not worth the risk. Bees are unpredictable and may turn aggressive when they feel threatened. 

Plus, bee removal requires specialized equipment and knowledge, which a regular person may not have. Therefore, it’s crucial to call in professional help and trust them to handle the situation safely and effectively.

If you want to get an idea of what kind of bees there are, you can inspect your home. Wear protective gear such as bee suits, hats, and gloves while doing this, as you don’t want to agitate the bees accidentally. Check for any cracks or holes in the walls, chimney, or roofline, as these are primary entry points for bees. 

Remember that, in some places, it is illegal to remove honeybees without a permit. However, other types of bees, such as yellow jackets, carpenter bees, and bumblebees, don’t require a permit.

This is another reason why you should outsource this job. A professional pest control company will have the necessary permits and licenses to handle bee removal services.

Tips for Preventing Future Bee Infestations

Now that you know what kind of bees you might run into in Chicago – and how to get rid of them if you do – how do you keep them from coming into your home in the first place? Here are some tips. 

Seal Any Cracks in the Exterior of Your Home

Once you’ve had a bee infestation in your home, there’s a likelihood that it could happen again. To prevent this, seal any cracks and gaps outside your home, especially around the roofline and eaves. Caulk any holes or gaps around the windows and doors to prevent bees from finding their way inside.

Regularly Inspect Your Roof, Eaves, and Chimney

Perform regular roof inspections to make sure that bees don’t build nests in the eaves or chimney. Hire a professional company to remove any debris that might accumulate in the chimney or vents.

Trim Back Foliage Around the Home

Prune any trees and shrubs near the home to ensure that bees don’t nest in them. Plant bee-repelling plants, such as lavender and eucalyptus, around the perimeter of your home.

Remove Standing Water

Take the time to make sure that there is no standing water near your home, as this is a prime spot for bees to create a hive nearby. Repair any leaks or drips in and around the house.

Get Rid of Old, Rotting Wood 

Get rid of any old, rotting wood on your property, as some bees are attracted to it. Replace wooden structures, such as those used for firewood storage, decks, or sheds, with materials that aren’t as attractive to bees.

Final Thoughts on Chicago Bees

Dealing with bees in Chicago can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. By learning about the different types of Chicago bees and hiring a professional pest control company, you can effectively manage bees while enjoying all the benefits and beauty they offer to the environment.

If you’re in need of expert pest control services in Chicago, don’t hesitate to contact Hawx Pest Control. Our professional services and friendly team will help you join our growing family of satisfied customers – and get those bees to buzz off for good.

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